Monday, January 11, 2016

To Honor Elena Kramer and others - Please light up Bouquet Canyon Road

One week ago today we lost a beautiful young woman on Bouquet Canyon Road. She touched so many souls - many who never met her but felt a connection to her.

For me, it was softball. My Dad was the coach on my team when I was a teenager. He would take us to Dairy Queen if our team won. And if we didn't, I would hear all about it on the way home from the games.

Being a resident on Bouquet Canyon Road and living so near the accident, I've had several conversations now with my neighbors who were also devastated by the fatalities of Elena Kramer and James Rodriguez a few months prior.  We are all brainstorming - trying our best to come up with some sort of solution, and one that will not require years of survey studies, community meetings and voting ballots.  

It has come to our realization that there is one thing that can be done right now - and it is very easy to do.  (But, we need to get the word out.)

LIGHT UP BOUQUET CANYON ROAD during daylight hours -

"National and international studies have found that using headlights reduce daytime vehicle accidents from 5 to 15 percent. One study reported daytime headlight use reduced head-on fatal accidents by 5 percent while head-on fatalities involving passenger vehicles and motorcycles dropped by 23 percent, according to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis."

So, please TURN ON YOUR HEADLIGHTS while driving during the day through the Angeles Forest on Bouquet Canyon Road and into Leona Valley. Do it for your own safety and also to honor Elena, James and so many others who have died along this dangerous corridor. And please tell those you love to do so also while on this route.

ALSO -  I have recently discovered that the road was slippery on the morning of Elena's accident. She may have hit a patch of ice or frost.  Please, everyone - take it easy, especially around the bends during these winter months.  

Life is precious. Take your time. Take care.

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